
(Female - Latin)
Worthy of Love

you know, its kinda cool that i have four other blogs under my account besides my niceroundass one. ive got xin's, amandaho's, yunjie's and now my alleged boyfriend! BEAMS.

i dont know how you can tahan typing in such small fonts. really. okay thats random. but well, curry instant NOOOODS get you higher than tomyam. really. it was a scientifically proven fact.

Dinesh Pereira says:
if u wanna scold felicia...

MANDA. says:
whos felicia?!

Dinesh Pereira says:
tt 35 yr old who is tryna get me into bed with her

MANDA. says:

Dinesh Pereira says:
pls go ahead.and scold her.
take the responsibility!

its kinda sick/amusing/lovey/drama when you start to think about it. really. i mean, fine i did use to go out with a cousin, but.. this felicia is motherfucking 16 years his senior la what the bloody hell. sosososo wrong. much more wronger than shots going for 15bucks rather than just 5.

i want to feel sad that my alleged boyfriend
is actually entertaining this woman but im not. really. im more.. erm. awed by the glare of the sun because i know people who wear shades when its not even sunny.

i still think curry instant noods are cool. especially when i add a egg in it. wait, i added only the egg white and not the egg yolk, no point but yes. and it reminds me of that first night when i pubbed with dinesh and her puked after eating tomyam noodles. and i confiscated his cigarettes and spread-ed the love by sliding them under pizzahut's glass door.

which reminds me, you still owe me dinner at republic hallo?

and then and then. i just went to W's blog and saw her totally chink typing that i giggled and tickled my toes while slurping my soup. and after that i went to A's blog and saw what he bought for his girlfriend that i felt so happy that my wallet isnt shitass pink.

oh plus plus plus. the fact that its a smaaaall world afterrr all. like how B's girlfriend is actually related to V. and that and that she wasnt shy to admit it.

which is kinda cool actually. cos some girls (for example, maybe me) would just deny. eh wait. i might. or might not. depends on the guy i think. i think.

and i still want to go to masscomm cos media in nyp is so fucked. plusplus i cant stand business modules. AND we have to take some stats shit module next sem which is going to be pure hell. pure as in 100%, without any extra ingredient.

and i think that.. if i get anything more than just a guidance program for that case, i'd prolly just quit nyp straight away and wait for the JPSAE next year. which could be kinda cool since i can drag my own bestie to that course. provided she gets an A that is.

anyway hoo ha how. do you think its better than an older relative completely ignores you because of a mistake you made? or they constantly nag/yell/remind you bout your mistake?

i dont know. really.

suddenly i think that real gelatio icecream might cure my guilt. not fake ones next to centrepoint! eew. they looked like specks of paint falling off the wall. right dinesh?


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